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Monday, February 17, 2025

SAT Scores 1986–2023

These tables accompany “It’s Nonetheless Arduous to Earn Admission to America’s Prime Schools . . . and Getting More durable,” by Michael J. Petrilli and Heena Kuwayama.

Enhance in Median SAT Scores, 1986–2023

Scroll for outcomes. Schools in pink required SAT scores from all candidates for admission in 2023.


School 1986 2016 2023 Rating change 2016 to 2023
Elon College 1032 1262 1280 18
New York College 1275 1410 1520 110
College of North Carolina–Chapel Hill 1230 1323 1460 137
Boston School 1260 1420 1490 70
Emory College 1290 1420 1500 80
SUNY at Stony Brook College 1190 1350 1400 50
College of Massachusetts–Amherst 1175 1300 1380 80
Loyola Marymount College 1155 1290 1360 70
College of Richmond 1280 1380 1460 80
College of Miami 1230 1360 1410 50
North Carolina State College–Raleigh 1180 1323 1360 37
Case Western Reserve College 1310 1460 1490 30
College of Pittsburgh 1182 1340 1360 20
Villanova College 1263 1380 1440 60
Fordham College 1230 1340 1400 60
Hamilton School 1310 1440 1480 40
Gonzaga College 1157 1260 1325 65
Wake Forest College 1285 1365 1450 85
Tufts College 1337 1440 1500 60
Wellesley School 1350 1447 1510 63
Denison College 1210 1346 1370 24
Vassar School 1333 1460 1490 30
Tulane College 1295 1400 1450 50
Boston College 1297 1370 1450 80
Purdue College 1177 1310 1330 20
Washington and Lee College 1340 1430 1490 60
Middlebury School 1350 1455 1500 45
College of Notre Dame 1350 1480 1500 20
College of Chicago 1391 1540 1540 0
Pepperdine College 1213 1297 1360 63
Southern Methodist College 1258 1380 1405 25
Brown College 1395 1520 1540 20
Johns Hopkins College 1410 1440 1550 110
Skidmore School 1240 1300 1380 80
Binghamton College–SUNY 1270 1380 1410 30
Florida State College 1180 1310 1320 10
Clemson College 1182 1312 1320 8
College of Florida 1253 1335 1390 55
American College 1235 1310 1370 60
Smith School 1340 1415 1470 55
Kenyon School 1310 1392 1440 48
Georgia Institute of Expertise 1310 1460 1440 -20
Grinnell School 1331 1445 1460 15
New Jersey Institute of Expertise 1207 1280 1335 55
Indiana College–Bloomington 1161 1241 1280 39
Rice College 1424 1510 1540 30
Macalester School 1308 1430 1420 -10
Lehigh College 1325 1380 1430 50
College of Virginia 1347 1410 1450 40
Dickinson School 1252 1353 1355 2
Princeton College 1439 1530 1540 10
Williams School 1420 1490 1520 30
Swarthmore School 1420 1490 1520 30
Davidson School 1357 1420 1455 35
Lafayette School 1320 1348 1410 62
Brandeis College 1360 1420 1450 30
Colorado College of Mines 1310 1375 1400 25
Oberlin School 1350 1420 1440 20
Furman College 1254 1290 1340 50
College of Delaware 1198 1280 1280 0
Virginia Tech 1249 1285 1330 45
Yale College 1460 1540 1540 0
Marquette College 1197 1260 1270 10
Texas A&M College–School Station 1190 1270 1260 -10
Pennsylvania State College–College Park 1244 1260 1310 50
Massachusetts Institute of Expertise 1490 1540 1550 10
Harvey Mudd School 1460 1520 1520 0
Rensselaer Polytechnic College 1370 1430 1430 0
Clark College 1265 1300 1320 20
DePauw College 1230 1250 1280 30
School of the Holy Cross 1310 1354 1340 -14
Drexel College 1310 1270 1330 60
Miami College–Oxford 1254 1310 1270 -40
Wesleyan College 1420 1420 1430 10
United States Army Academy 1340 1343 1350 7
The College of the South 1300 1310 1290 -20
Bryn Mawr School 1410 1370 1390 20
Bucknell College 1312 1360 1270 -90

Median SAT Scores, 1986–2023 (“twin” outcomes)

Scroll for full outcomes

Median rating 2023 schools 2016 schools 1986 schools
1160 Berea School UC-Irvine


Loyola Marymount


1180 Pomona

UC-Santa Cruz

NC State-Raleigh

College of Pittsburgh

Clemson College


Purdue College


1240 IU-Bloomington Skidmore School

Penn State

UC-Santa Cruz

American College

1250 DePauw College Miami College

Dickinson School

Furman College

College of Florida

Virginia Tech

1260 Texas A&M Gonzaga College

Penn State

Elon College

Marquette College

Boston School

Villanova College

Southern Methodist College

1270 Bucknell College

Miami College

Marquette College

Drexel College

Texas A&M

Thomas Aquinas College

Binghamton College-SUNY

Clark College

1280 IU-Bloomington

DePauw College

Elon College

College of Delaware

College of San Diego

College of Delaware

New Jersey Institute of Expertise

College of Richmond

New York College

1290 The College of the South Furman College

Loyola Marymount College

Virginia Tech

Emory College

Wake Forest College

1300 Skidmore School


Clark College

Pepperdine College

The College of the South


Tulane College

Boston College

1310 Penn State American College

Purdue College

Florida State College

Clemson College

The College of the South

Miami College

Drexel College

Kenyon School

Hamilton School

Case Western Reserve College

Colorado College of Mines

School of the Holy Cross

Georgia Tech

Bucknell College

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Macalester School

1320 Clark College

Florida State College

Clemson College

Thomas Aquinas College

NC State-Raleigh

UNC-Chapel Hill

Lafayette School
1330 Drexel College

Virginia Tech

Purdue College

Gonzaga College

Vassar School

Grinnell School

Lehigh College

1340 Furman College

School of the Holy Cross

New Jersey Institute of Expertise


US Army Academy

College of Pittsburgh

Fordham College

College of Florida

Washington and Lee College

Smith School

US Army Academy

Tufts College

1350 US Army Academy SUNY-Stonybrook College

Dickinson School

School of the Holy Cross

Pitzer School

Lafayette School

Denison College

Duke College

Wellesley School

Middlebury School

Oberlin School

College of Notre Dame

College of Virginia

1360 Loyola Marymount College

Pepperdine College

NC State-Raleigh

College of Pittsburgh

Dickinson School

College of Miami

Bucknell College

Brandeis College

Davidson School

US Naval Academy

1370 American College

Denison College

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Bryn Mawr School

Boston College

Wake Forest College

Rensselaer Polytechnic College
1380 Skidmore School


College of Richmond

Villanova College

Lehigh College

Binghamton College-SUNY

Southern Methodist College


Colorado College of Mines

1390 College of Florida

Bryn Mawr School

Kenyon School Pomona School

College of Chicago

1400 Fordham College

SUNY-Stonybrook College

Colorado College of Mines

US Naval Academy

Tulane College

UC-San Diego

Duke College

Brown College

1410 Lafayette School

College of Miami

Binghamton College-SUNY

Southern Methodist College

New York College

College of Virginia

Johns Hopkins College

Bryn Mawr School

1420 Macalester School Emory College

Boston School

Davidson School

Brandeis College

Oberlin School

Wesleyan College

Smith School

Rice College

Swarthmore School

Williams School

Wesleyan College

1430 Rensselaer Polytechnic College

Wesleyan College

Lehigh College

Washington and Lee College

Rensselaer Polytechnic College

Macalester School


1440 Georgia Tech

Oberlin School

Kenyon School

Villanova College

Johns Hopkins College

Tufts College

Hamilton School

Princeton College
1450 Wake Forest College

Boston College

Tulane College

College of Virginia

Brandeis College

Wellesley School

Grinnell School

1460 UNC-Chapel Hill

College of Richmond

Grinnell School

Davidson School

Georgia Tech

Vassar School

Case Western Reserve College

Middlebury School

Harvey Mudd School

Yale College

1480 Hamilton School College of Notre Dame
1490 Vassar School

Case Western Reserve College

Washington and Lee College

Boston School

Williams School

Swarthmore School

1510 Wellesley School Rice College
1520 Pomona School

New York College

Swarthmore School

Williams School

Harvey Mudd School

Brown College

Harvey Mudd School

1540 Rice College

Brown College

Princeton College

College of Chicago

Yale College


College of Chicago

Yale College

The put up SAT Scores 1986–2023 appeared first on Schooling Subsequent.

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